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Why orthopaedic revisions surgeries benefit from systematic data collection

Improving patient outcomes is always a priority for revolutionising healthcare. Enhanced resource allocation, streamlined assessments, testings and surgeries, and better staff recruitment can all contribute to speedier times towards treatment. Informing the way that we improve these factors is data. 

A digital overhaul regarding reporting and scheduling is finally being honed by major healthcare providers around the world, and analysis of historical surgeries can grant pivotal insights into improving how they can be conducted more effectively in the future. This is especially crucial for revisions, whereby orthopaedic professionals look to correct or re-do previous surgeries. 

With a comprehensive revisions database as a north star for orthopaedic surgeons, the standardisation of better patient pathways may be possible. Here’s why.

The projected demand for revision surgeries

One of the main contributors to revision surgery becoming more prevalent is an ageing population. By 2050, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs predicts that 25% of the world’s population (2.1 billion) will be 60 years or older. That’s double the number from 2024. Those in elderly age categories are more susceptible to musculoskeletal disorders – osteoarthritis, fracture, degenerative diseases etc. – which greatly increases the numbers of revision surgeries to recorrect patient outcomes. 

With that comes a growing weight on the global healthcare system to accommodate those needing revision surgeries. It stretches staff and medical supplies, as well as the efficiency between early appointments and final surgery dates (as well as long recovery times that can limit hospital bed capacity). Being able to optimise the operations of hospitals, care centres and more – and to enhance the personalised pathways for each individual patient in need – takes closer readings into the success and failures of past surgeries, all gathered by advanced technologies for data gathering and analysis. 

The helpers and hindrances to revisions

On the one hand, advancements in orthopaedic devices are facilitating more successful revision surgeries, resulting in tangible data that can be assessed to reduce complications in future revisions and impact the successes of rehabilitation, too. Robotics are a driving force assisting surgeons with innovative, precise procedural techniques. Bioactive materials and 3D-printed implants contribute to anatomical fit joint replacements, with these patient-specific implants can be created off the back of MRIs and CT scans. 

Unfortunately, what holds back the use of medical technologies are strict regulations around their approval. Rigorous testing has to take place before any new devices hit the general market, while their ongoing safety standards for post-surgery have to be continuously monitored.

Key revisions innovations offered by data

Luckily, data collection offers lifelines to get approvals underway, address regulatory hurdles and stop delays in the manufacture of such devices in orthopaedic revisions. And that’s just the start:

  • Speeding up time-to-market: empirical evidence (in this case, clinical data) can showcase the safety and efficacy of innovative new products, justifying the credibility of manufacturers for any submissions to regulators and making them more readily available for surgeries.
  • Enhanced product creation: these unique evidence-based factors can also determine the development of bespoke products better suited to individual patient needs. Joint reconstruction, and spinal and trauma implants hold significant market share.
  • Pinpoint revision outcomes: researchers are able to gain high-quality insights into revision surgeries, including any failures around infection, pain points or instability. From here, they can better refine surgical procedures and raise care standards through following a comprehensively constructed framework.
  • Using registries to assess trends: datasets can track demographics of patients, as well as their pre- and post-operative conditions over time which, when available through a registry, can signal risks associated with certain segments of patients undergoing treatment.
  • Assessing minimally invasive procedures: detailed data helps compare the long-term outcomes between emerging and traditional practices in regards to complication rate, impact recovery lengths, and patient comfort, advancing the evolution of revision surgeries.
  • Effects on insurance: through accurate data collection for revisions, it’s easier to showcase cost-effectiveness and patient satisfaction. In turn, this can persuade insurers to reconsider their policies by highlighting benefits for more timely treatment (or, indeed, the dangers or prolonging it). With insurers more agreeable, much-needed procedures can be conducted without significant financial burdens. 

Driving consistent improvements to patient outcomes

Data collected from historical revision surgeries is far from stationary; instead, it is directly actionable to have positive knock-on effects for patients requiring replacement surgery and any post-operative rehabilitation throughout their pathway.

When best practices are established through documented data that assesses the pros and cons of procedural operations, the next step encouraged by orthopaedics is an establishment of a revisions database. Multiple registries, when cross-referenced across the industry, can help benchmark patient outcomes and aspects of post-revision surgery. With tried-and-tested improvements noted for revisions solutions, the field can compile stringent standards. 

The orthopaedics speciality, while suffering tough waiting list backlogs due to the appetite for surgery, ageing patients, and the pandemic, is continuously improving. Gaps in knowledge around much-needed revisions are currently being researched and revised, but with a constant reiteration of the most successful capabilities (as shown through data collection) the satisfaction levels for practitioners and patients alike.

The need for improved pathways: an evaluation of 2024’s NHS waiting list statistics

Waiting times for healthcare services in the UK shine a rather worrying light on the difficulty faced by the NHS. The metrics act as a key gauge to determine when, and why, healthcare delivery has become far more stretched. Notably of course, the covid-19 pandemic was detrimental to how critical appointments and surgeries could be conducted, with the influx of ill patients straining NHS England (NHSE) staff to the brink.

In the past decade, waiting list times have doubled. Pre-2020, the number of ‘incomplete pathways’ for patients stood at 2.3 million. As of early 2024, it’s an astonishing 7.64 million cases. This is a significant figure that demands a rethink to improve nationwide NHS operations, resource allocation, pre-assessment triage, and data-led technical training to ensure a positive uptick in the quality of patient and staff satisfaction, and timely access to care.

The short and long term impacts

Over 6 million patients are determined to be in a queue awaiting treatment, and this affects both patients waiting for immediate care and those facing substantial delays for planned appointments.

Urgent and emergency care

At the start of the year, on average, 1,760 patients seeking to see doctors and nurses in accident and emergency departments were waiting for more than twelve hours for admissions. With timely intervention necessary to see to these individual situations can be significantly life-threatening, inefficient patient pathways only contribute to poor knock-on effects for every new admission.

Longer appointment lists

Many services are burdened by unnecessary repeat testing and face-to-face appointments that could be handled over the phone for non-urgent issues. These inefficiencies significantly contribute to long waiting times for patients, often delaying access to life-changing surgical procedures. In July of this year, 76,132 patients waited over 53 weeks just for an initial outpatient appointment—a clear indication of the challenges in accessing even primary care. As waiting times increase, patients’ health conditions can deteriorate, leading to more frequent retesting (as prior tests expire), which only worsens the backlog and further extends queues.

As part of the NHS Long Term Plan community health services are offering complex health care solutions outside of hospitals – at houses, care homes, clinics, community hospitals and schools. As a result of changes in guidance and operations for service delivery, they have also experienced a waiting list increase for over a million patients indicative of continual reform to mitigate the hurdles that affect accessible healthcare.

The most burdened specialities

One of the largest concerns surrounding waiting times are the experiences of cancer patients, all of whom experience high variations in their pathway expectations; as reported in August, 69.2% of cancer patients were treated within 62 days of being referred.

Waiting times in the NHS for orthopaedics, and especially trauma and orthopaedics, have been a significant issue, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic. It is now the specialty with the longest waiting times, having seen a 35% surge in its waiting lists.

By March 2024, over 800,000 patients were in line for orthopaedic procedures. In part, these backlogs are due to a combination of the healthcare system’s stretched resources, postponed surgeries during the pandemic, a sharp increase in referrals and, in some cases, limited funding. While the NHS aims to treat all patients within 18 weeks of referral, these compounding factors make this target increasingly challenging for orthopaedics.

Orthopaedic surgeries can be major procedures involving lengthy recovery times and require extensive post-operative care that can further strain hospital resources. Conditions requiring orthopaedic intervention – such as hip or knee replacements, spinal surgeries, and complex trauma cases – demand significant surgical time and specialised care that tend to have longer waiting times over interventions that are less resource-intensive.Trauma and orthopaedics also receive increased emergency referrals for acute injuries. This complicates scheduling for elective surgeries, while a high volume of both elective and emergency cases only causes further delays for patients awaiting treatment.

These delays vary across the UK. Some hospitals face longer queues than others due to regional demand, the availability of orthopaedic consultants, or operational capacity. As NHS facilities prioritise those with the most urgent needs, many orthopaedic patients face prolonged wait times, impacting their quality of life and, sometimes, the progression of their conditions.

In addition to the pandemic’s impact, several other factors contribute to delays in orthopaedic waiting times in line with NHSE and Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) insights, as follows:

  1. Workforce Shortages: A shortage of orthopaedic consultants, anaesthetists, and specialist nursing staff is a prominent challenge identified by the NHSE and GIRFT. Recruiting and retaining healthcare professionals in the field is challenging, while the demand for highly trained specialists is high. A staffing gap limits the NHS’s ability to meet patient demand, especially given the intensity of support required during and after orthopaedic surgeries.
  2. Operating Theatre and Bed Capacity: NHSE and GIRFT emphasise the importance of adequate infrastructure, but many NHS hospitals face limitations in operating theatre and inpatient bed availability, restricting their capacity to perform the necessary volume of orthopaedic surgeries. Trauma and orthopaedics require dedicated theatre time and inpatient beds, which are often unavailable due to competing priorities across specialties. As a result, even if a hospital has adequate staff, it may lack the physical resources to treat all patients in a timely manner.
  3. High Volume of Emergency Cases: Trauma cases, such as fractures and other serious injuries, are often life-altering and require immediate intervention, frequently taking priority over elective orthopaedic surgeries. This reactive demand complicates scheduling and can divert resources for planned elective surgery at short notice. GIRFT has highlighted the need to better separate emergency and elective care separation, which could help streamline orthopaedic pathways while requiring further resources.
  4. Inefficiencies in Referral Pathways and Care Coordination: Pointed out by GIRFT, variations in referral practices across regions – combined with inconsistencies in patient management from primary to tertiary care – can result in unnecessary delays. Patients might be referred back and forth between departments or to external clinics without a clear, coordinated pathway. Standardising and integrating these pathways is a GIRFT priority; streamlined processes could reduce unnecessary delays and provide patients with faster access to treatment.
  5. Demand Outpacing Capacity: An ageing population with an increasing prevalence of degenerative conditions (such as osteoarthritis) has driven up demand for orthopaedic procedures. As this often outpaces available resources and capacity, this leads to longer waiting lists. GIRFT and NHSE recognise the importance of population health management and early intervention initiatives to alleviate some of this demand, but these are long-term solutions that require time and investment.

Both NHSE and GIRFT are focusing on initiatives such as prioritising high-demand areas, and optimising scheduling and theatre efficiency, but until these changes are fully realised trauma and orthopaedics will likely continue to experience longer wait times than other specialties.

Eyes, and policies, on the future

As discussed, non-urgent assessment (led by consultants) has an enforced maximum waiting time of 18 weeks (per NHS constitution), all in a bid to see more patients in immediate need of medical treatment. Given this year’s hefty figures on waiting lists, this cap remains flexible to regular re-evaluations, making sure service quality is incrementally improved to keep up with treatment demand.

As we reach the end of 2024, there’s a brighter outlook given that waiting list projections see numbers dropping below 7.2 million before 2025. Much of this is due to innovations in how caregivers can be more efficient through each stage of a personalised patient pathway; where reporting, operations and resource allocation is streamlined to sustain continuous and speedy patient support. With healthtech providers and policy makers looking to support the NHS’ continuous improvement through standardised practice and nationwide analytical data, waiting list times should hopefully reduce across a range of areas.

The urgency to act has been taken seriously as we exit out of the pandemic’s most difficult hold on NHS services. Collaborations involving digital providers, clinicians, consultants and NHS programmes are leading the way to maintain a more patient-centric healthcare system. By regaining stability, the UK service can grant better outcomes for both hardworking NHS staff and the patients that they serve.

How to turn EMR data challenges into exciting opportunities for Orthopaedic Surgery

Since the advent of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs), there’s been an overwhelming explosion of data in the healthcare industry. This wealth of information holds immense potential, but it often remains locked away in silos, inaccessible and underutilized. The connection between physicians and patients has now been forever changed, with unintended consequences arising from the disruption caused by “information management solutions.”

In Orthopaedic Surgery, the lack of seamless data integration and visualization has hindered the ability to drive meaningful improvements in patient care and outcomes. However, a new approach is emerging, one that combines the power of in-house data collection, advanced analytics and dynamic visual explainers to help set surgical workflows on the right track.

The rise of same-day surgery in orthopaedics

The demand for same-day surgery has shifted the Orthopaedic Surgery landscape. According to a report by the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association, the number of outpatient surgeries performed in ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) has increased by 15% annually over the past five years. This trend is expected to continue, with orthopaedic procedures leading the way.

Same-day surgery offers numerous benefits, including reduced costs, improved patient satisfaction, and enhanced efficiency, but it carries unique challenges that only data-led solutions can adhere to seamless data integration, efficient workflow management, and real-time analytics. While these pain points can seem disconnected, there is in fact an easier avenue to consolidate a remedy all in one place. 

A unified solution for Orthopaedic Surgery

Our innovative platform, powered by PROMs, eOpNote, and barcode scanning, creates a prospective dataset that is dynamic and valuable, in that it facilitates rapid visualization and process improvement. This integrated system captures every real-time insight into the surgical workflow, from implant utilization to variables affecting outcomes, and even opportunities for improvement.

Better data-driven decision making

The key to unlocking the full potential of this data lies in its clearly mapped-out visuals and its subsequent analysis. Our team has developed cutting-edge data display functions that create real value for Orthopaedic Surgeons and patients alike, and by leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning, we can identify patterns, trends, and correlations that were previously hidden.

With our platform, Orthopaedic Surgeons can now:

  • Track implant utilization and optimize inventory management
  • Identify high-risk patients and develop personalized treatment plans
  • See variables that impact patient outcomes and adjust their approach accordingly
  • Visualize complex data in real-time, enabling data-driven decision making
  • Optimize surgical techniques and reduce complications
  • Increase patient throughput, reduce errors, and streamline billing cycles
  • Enhance supply chain management and reduce costs
  • Improve patient satisfaction and reduce readmissions

The future of Orthopaedic Surgery is patient-centric

A more efficient, effective healthcare system relies on a stronger focus on patients. Luckily, transforming the challenges set by data-heavy EMRs are being solved by capturing data to gain invaluable insights from advanced analytics and innovative visualization methods.

Our platform is at the forefront of this change. Surgeons and healthcare operations staff already face a tough job, but technology can step up to empower them to make data-driven decisions, improve patient outcomes, and drive meaningful improvements in the surgical workflow. It marks a turning point in the way that Orthopaedic Surgery continues to evolve, and we are committed to push the boundaries of what is possible in improving patient care.

To learn more about how we enhanced the EMRs for Mount Carmel New Albany, check out our case study.